The Big E

On September 16th, the seventh largest fair in the nation kicked off. Known as the Big E (the E stands for Eastern Fair Exposition), it hosted everything from live music to livestock, statehouse replicas to carnival rides. It is the biggest agricultural event on the Eastern seaboard, meaning it was not to be missed.
Held in West Springfield, MA, one of the fair’s biggest attractions is the Avenue of States. It has life-sized replicas of the six original New England statehouses, and visitors can find food and crafts in each replica specific to each state. Now, not all the replicas are true to their states, as the New Hampshire and Vermont state houses actually look nothing like their original ones. However, this doesn’t mean you still can’t have fun checking out the Avenue of States or eating a baked potato!
In addition to this attraction, there are many others. Live music is a prominent event at the fair. Musicians such as the X-Ambassadors, Elle King, and Maren Morris all make appearances at the Big E. They can be watched at the Xfinity theater, which has the capacity to seat over 6,000 people. The opening night, Shaquille O’Neal even made an appearance!
The midway at the fair is home to several popular carnival games and rides, perfect for families and adults and young children alike. One of the most well-known rides is the giant slide. It’s 45 feet high and 135 feet long, meaning it can accommodate about four people at the same time. Fun fact: last year, a couple was wed on the slide. The ceremony, performed at the top of the slide, was concluded when the couple was given burlap bags and sailed down it.
Lastly, agricultural is a huge, if not the largest, part of the Big E. The Big E coliseum has horse shows, and, although they are not in the coliseum, sheep, cattle, pigs, and chicken are also on fair grounds. A sheep shearing demonstration is held almost every day, if that’s your thing. Pig races, too. And always the classic butter sculpture! And if you don’t like barnyard animals, that’s OK. The Big E also has small dog and pony shows for people who find those animals more their style.
The Big E was a phenomenal success this year. People from all around the Northeast came to experience the sense of community, the celebration of agricultural, and the celebrities at the always exciting fair. Safe to say, next year’s fair will have a lot to live up to.