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Advice For Incoming High School Freshman

High school can seem like a daunting and overwhelming prospect as a middle schooler, but rest assured, high school’s positives far outweigh its negatives.

As a junior here at Bacon Academy, here’s some advice for you 8th graders!

  1. When signing up for classes, don’t overwhelm yourself! You will have 3 more years to get into other classes you are interested in. Take advice from teachers and ask about classes that will be right for you. I highly recommend that you leave room for a full year study hall in your schedule. This will allow you time to meet with teachers if need be, get some homework done, and just relax.

  2. Take classes that you want to take. Don’t sign up for a classes for the sole reason being all of your friends are singing up for the class.

  3. Join clubs! You will make new friends and find things that you are interested in. Clubs are advertised in the announcements and on posters in the halls.

  4. Ask questions in class and outside of class if you need help! Teachers are here to assist you and help you learn. Don’t be afraid to talk to a teacher after class or send them an email!

  5. If you are struggling in a class, ask people who have already taken the class in previous years. They can provide you with useful advice!

  6. Check PowerSchool, Google Classroom, and your email frequently. This will ensure you are up to date on your grades and assignments.

  7. Don’t stop abruptly in the hallway during passing times. Everybody around you will appreciate this.

  8. If a teacher tells you to put your phone away, just do it.

  9. Bring a water bottle. Instead of constantly having to leave class to go the water fountain, it will save you many trips.

  10. Just be yourself! Friends will come and friends will go, don’t change for anybody.

We look forward to seeing the Bacon Academy Class of 2021 next school year!

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