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Bacon Academy Young Dems Take on Colchester Election Polls

On Tuesday November 7th, 2017, the town of Colchester, Connecticut arose to the occasion on Election Day. Citizens able to exercise their right to vote shuffled into the town hall, while those who were inclined waved signs and stood near the polls in attempt to entice others to vote for their parties. Although of not legal age to vote, many Bacon Academy students in the Young Democrats club stood at the polls exclaiming the statement, “Vote row A, today!” The consistent influx of voters throughout the day kept volunteers busy, and candidates active. Despite the cold fall weather and the tiresome act of standing for many hours, spirits were kept high. The determination expressed by surrounding peers expedited the exertion of ebullient moods and cheers, along with the pithy feeling of contributing to the community. The cyclic movement of volunteers trailed from the town hall, to Bacon Academy, and then to the center of Colchester- the town green. From this, kind gestures and outlooks on political parties from passing by citizens were promoted, along with occasional discourteous comments from others. With hopes still driven by perseverance and lighthearted vibes to imbibe, the Democrats were active until the night. The everlong day for the Bacon Academy Young Dems concluded by sundown, but the undaunted candidates stood until the closing of the polls at 8 pm. The act of promoting awareness of the election and the desire for citizens payed off, and the Democratic candidates along with the Young dems were delighthed by the results. With the majority of Democratic row A elected as Colchester’s newly acquainted political figures, pragmatic members from the Democratic Town Committee will be sworn in to lead the now “blue” Connecticut Town.

As for the full election results, visit this link:

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