Blade Runner: 2049: A Sequel Worthy of the Original
As a fan of the original Blade Runner, I had high expectations for the Blade Runner: 2049, but was unsure of whether or not it would meet those expectations. The sequel was being released over thirty years after the original, but I stepped into the theater excited to see what Blade Runner: 2049 had to offer. Many sequels do not live up to the original movie, especially when you’re making a sequel to a movie as iconic as Blade Runner. However, the film was a spectacle that thoroughly blew away all preconceived notions I went into it having.
Remaining true to the original, much of what made Blade Runner: 2049 was matching the level of sophistication found in the soundtrack and the cinematography of the original movie. Everything from the music played during fight scenes to the grungy look of San Francisco created an immersive world that was easy to get lost in. The soundtrack held a futuristic tone that fit the world perfectly, and many of the special effects and cinematography were simply stunning.
In addition, the acting performances of stars Harrison Ford and Ryan Gosling were both excellent. Harrison Ford, reprising his role Rick Deckard from the original Blade Runner, continued to be a strong actor and stayed true to the role. Even thirty five years later, Ford played Deckard perfectly and never missed a beat. For Ryan Gosling, this was his first time appearing in Blade Runner as Officer K. Gosling was an incredibly animated actor, with a way of making you feel for his character, despite his newness and relative unfamiliarity to audiences.
While it is true that much of Blade Runner: 2049 remained true to the original, it is not simply a remake. Blade Runner: 2049, despite its similarities to the 1982 film, is able to standalone. Even a viewer who has never seen the original can still thoroughly enjoy this movie, and appreciate it for what it is: a modern masterpiece. Despite a low income at the box office, critics have it highly. This is one sci-fi experience you should be sure not to miss. Whether you’ve been a fan of the original since its original release in 1982 or you’re just looking for something to watch, Blade Runner: 2049 is a movie wholly worth watching.