Net Neutrality
If you use the internet in any capacity, it’s likely a little difficult for you to have not read the term ‘Net Neutrality’ being passed around over the past month or so.
Net Neutrality is a 2015 Obama-era piece of regulation created by the FCC whose purpose is to ensure that no Internet Service Provider (ISP) is able to throttle or block content that they either do not wish their customers to see, or content that they want to charge the consumer extra for. This is done by classifying internet service as a utility, denying the private companies involved with it from being able to cut off access to any part of it.
It’s been so popular in the media and on social media recently as the Federal Communications Commission’s chairman, Ajit Pai, has opened talks of repealing it. This move has created a harsh backlash as it has drawn widespread criticism from celebrities, internet users, and even members of Congress. However, Ajit Pai has made it clear that he has no plans to stop the vote, which is due to take place on December 14th. Ajit Pai’s reasoning for promoting this repeal lies in the interests of the ISP’s who are Pai’s main supporters. Pai claims that the Net Neutrality regulations are ‘heavy handed’, restrict growth of internet service in rural America, threaten an internet-based economy, harms investment, and threatens the free internet. The ‘Free Internet’ is a rallying cry almost for Pai, as he often uses the phrase ‘free and open internet’ when talking about his planned repeal. In fact, the very title of the article on the FCC’s website about the repeal is ‘Restoring Internet Freedom’.
However, opponents of this repeal have argued that it is the ISP who gains more freedom with the repeal, instead of the consumer. Since ISP’s would have the option to block access to sites and content they disapproved of, or throttle connections for others, there is worry of possible censorship of political opinions. Additionally, opponents have pointed out that Ajit Pai was once a lawyer for Verizon, an ISP who is vocally supportive of the appeal, alongside several other large ISP’s.
However, supporters of the legislation argue that smaller ISP’s are unable to grow enough to compete with larger companies due to the difficulty of meeting federal regulations and requirements. Additionally, it is argued that the internet was in good condition before Net Neutrality Title 2 existed, and ISP’s weren’t trying to censor content or manipulate their customers.
Whether or not you agree with Ajit Pai, it would seem this repeal is going through regardless. The three Republicans on the FCC committee are predicted to vote against Net Neutrality, thus ending Title 2. However, we still know nothing for sure, as even Congress Republicans are starting to speak out against the FCC’s move to dissolve Title 2 regulation. It is only up to the FCC at this point, as the FCC is willfully ignoring the internet’s opinion on the matter, and seemingly is paying no heed to Congress members speaking out against the action.
However, even if Net Neutrality regulations are repealed, it is likely that they will be reinstated within a few years due to immense public backlash forcing Congressional action. Or at very least, the next president might have a different candidate for the FCC chairman’s position.