Bacon Debate Takes the Win
On March 9 of 2018, the Bacon Academy debate team partook in a formal debate, discussing the question: Should the Federal Minimum Wage be Adjusted Annually Based on the Cost of Living? Two of our teams competed, one novice, one advanced. The novice team consisted of Abby Auden, Rachel Bagdasarian, Olivia Donahue, and Annalise Ciarcia, and our advanced included Nicole Perkins, Izzy McIntyre, Maddy Scherff, and Audra Kingsley. Our opponents consisted of groups from the Marine Science Magnet High School of SECT, New London High School, Norwich Free Academy, Three Rivers Middle College Magnet High School, and Plainfield High School.
The Bacon Academy advanced team was immediately forwarded to the finals, seeing as their semi final competitors having to drop out due to a medical emergency. The sad victory pummeled spirit into the novice team debaters who also advanced onto the championship round after a harrowing debate against Learn Middle College Magnet High School, who lost by only one point. After a brief preparation, the finals began with the novice team against Norwich Free Academy. The debaters spoke loudly, clearly, and easily rebutted the other team’s points. The debate ended with a pretty clear conclusion on who was to win the golden trophy. The advanced team also had very strong points and responses, but the other team, having been the prior champions, gave Bacon’s advanced a run for their money.
And finally: the results were out. In second place for the novice division: Norwich Free Academy. The Bacon Academy students were ecstatic. This was the first year the debate team won the championship, let alone passed the first round. The advanced team came out in second place, falling short only by a few points. Nevertheless, Bacon Academy was the only school leaving Three Rivers Community College with not one, but two trophies. While this was a shining moment for the small club, the real victory happened when the teams were acknowledged on Mr. Peel’s twitter (@ba_peel)! The club celebrated the following Monday with gallons of ice cream, which they then proceeded to eat out of their trophies. Since its creation four years ago by Bacon alum Emily Donahue, the team has come far and will hopefully continue its progress for many years.