The sequel to blockbuster Avengers: Infinity War will be released in April of 2019. Titled “Endgame”, this movie is highly anticipated by the Marvel fanbase. Recently on Reddit, however, a post was made by a user going by u/alexander_q to the subreddit r/marvelstudios detailing his battle with liver cancer, mouth cancer, and bone marrow failure, all caused from a rare disease called Fanconi Anemia. In the post he explains how he will unfortunately lose his battle before the release date, sparking an amazing response from the Reddit community. Users in the comments mentioned Joe and Anthony Russo, the directors of the Avengers movies as well as a few other movies for Marvel Studios. Reportedly, u/alexander_q has been in contact with Chris Hemsworth, who plays Thor, and will be attending an early screening of the highly anticipated sequel to Avengers: Infinity War.
A tweet from Alexander has confirmied that he has been talking to Disney and/or their representatives. He also suggests for viewers to donate to Fanconi Anemia research, the disease he has been fighting.
Here is a link to the original post by u/alexander_q, where he details his struggles and how he faces his death before the movie will officially release.