Having Access to Water at School
Public schools do not provide water cups or water bottles with lunch. Instead, they provide milk. The only way you could get free water during the school day is by visiting a water fountain. According to Dr. Melina Jampolis, “Children should be consuming at least half their total water intake at school.” The standard recommendation of water intake for young adults is 64 ounces of water a day, meaning you should be consuming about 32 ounces of water during the school day.
Something else many people don't think about is the way we drink water. Think about it; when out at a restaurant, you drink your water sitting down, not standing. At school though, unless you pay for a bottle of water (which is about $1 and some kids might not even be able to afford), you’re standing while drinking at a water fountain. Entertainment Times said that it is better to drink water while sitting, for it has more time to be absorbed by your organs. If you stand and drink water, it passes through your organs and goes straight to the colon. There is a reason you sit while eating your meals. The way our bodies are designed allows us to get maximum health benefits while sitting with good posture. Sitting while drinking and eating also better our digestion so we do not feel bloated after drinking water. Therefore, we should begin giving kids more access to free water at schools, not including water fountains.