NYC Bombing
Early on Saturday, September 17, a bomb exploded in a garbage can at the beginning of a race in Seaside Park, New Jersey. Later that...
Civil War in Syria
In March of 2011, the people of Syria gathered in peaceful protests against the government. The government retaliated, which lead to an...
Are They just Clowning Around? Colchester Reacts To Clowns
Everyone has heard of the clown phenomenon that is occurring around the country. People dressing up as clowns at night and standing in...
WJJMS Building Project
Over the summer, work began on the William J. Johnston Middle School Building Project. On July 26th, demolition of existing parts of the...
Our Assistant Principals
Here at Bacon Academy we have two assistant principals! Mrs. Begué and Ms. Cyr. Mrs. Begué joined the BA Family on November 18th, 2015...
The Kardashian Robbery: What We Know So Far
On the weekend of October 1st, Kim Kardashian West was robbed during her trip to her Paris residence. Among the stolen belongings were...
Big Bang Theory Season 10 Premiere
The Big Bang Theory is a very popular TV series that has been airing for 9 years. It was speculated by many that the show would stop...
Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Premiere
There is no doubt that Season 13 of Grey’s Anatomy will keep everyone at the edge of their seats as the previous season did. In the last...
The Big E
On September 16th, the seventh largest fair in the nation kicked off. Known as the Big E (the E stands for Eastern Fair Exposition), it...
The Absolute Essentiality of the Right to Dress Diversely
In 1969, the Supreme Court ruled that schools had the right to “limit student expression if there is a legitimate concern that such...